
Our Tuesday singings are held in Room 106 (sometimes 107) of Stoeckel Hall at the corner of College and Wall streets on the Yale campus. At left is the view of Stoeckel Hall from College Street.

The street address is 469 College Street, New Haven, CT 06511.

Street parking near Stoeckel is metered until 9 pm. All meters take credit cards and coins ($1.50/hr). The School of Music parking lot (Lot 51), accessed from Temple Street between Elm and Wall, is also available for free public use in the evening. 
The main entrance to Stoeckel Hall is accessible by ramp, and this entrance is equipped with an automatic door opener. An accessible single-stall restroom is located adjacent to Room 106. 
Our third-Monday singing is held in the side room of Never Endings Books at 810 State Street, New Haven. Limited street parking is available on State Street. Additional paid parking is available in a nearby commuter lot at the intersection of State and Eld Streets at the rate of $1/hour. Entrance to Never Ending Books is at street level, but the doorways are not wide enough to accomodate most wheelchairs. 

Please reach out to us if you have specific questions about directions or the accessibility of our spaces.