Please join us in New Haven for a day of singing from The Sacred Harp (1991 Denson). The singing will be held in Connecticut Hall on Yale’s Old Campus, just steps from the New Haven Green. Dinner-on-the-grounds will be held in Linsly-Chittenden Hall. Should you wish to bring a dish to share, please keep in mind that we are unable to provide any kitchen facilities.
For questions about housing, please contact Ian Quinn. A social in the nearby town of Guilford will follow the singing.
Driving? Street parking is free in New Haven on Sundays, and is usually plentiful. There are also nearby parking garages for a fee.
Taking the train or bus?: Connecticut Hall is a one mile walk from Union Station. It is also easy to catch a cab from the station to Phelps Gate (the main entrance into Old Campus).
We look forward to seeing you there!